7 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Therapist or Coach

✔️ Do I connect with their message and voice?

Does the content they are putting out speak to you? Do you feel like they hear, see and understand you?

✔️ Have they worked with challenges like mine?

What are people saying about them? Do they have insights beyond my own level of thinking? Do they walk the talk and understand my specific problems or goals? (Free consultations are great to help answer this!)

✔️ Do they have success in the spaces I'm seeking more success?

This doesn't mean needing someone to have lived your exact life, or have your exact business, it simply means qualifying that a business coach, has a successful business of their own, or a therapist continues to do his/her own self-healing and self-growing.

✔️ Do their values align to mine?

Aligning with others who share our values creates wonderful levels of connection and synergy. Be wary of coaches or therapists who aren't clear on their values.

✔️ Do they know what they are talking about?

Are they widely read? Great place to check this is in the resources they offer and share (social media pages, website, low cost workshops)!

Also qualify if their modality is backed by research.

✔️ Are they qualified?

Qualifications in the sphere of psychotherapy and coaching are far less regulated than spheres like medicine or law. Two people with the same title can have vastly different levels of experience and education.

We recommend assessing qualifications in light of:

☑️ testimonials

☑️ real world experience

☑️ cross-over skills - the breadth of experience they bring from other fields or industries

☑️ empathy and rapport you feel when speaking to them

☑️ the institution they studied with (if you are research inclined)

✔️ Are they credible?

Do they have an online presence? Do they have testimonials to support their work? Are they members of trusted professional bodies?

You are being presented with two choices.

Evolve or Repeat?