2020 SELF in Review Series

As 2020 came to an end so many of us are looking back to what was and asking ourselves how do we recreate that? Or more likely, NEVER recreate that! :)

As transformation specialists, we can tell you that making 2021 a year of results, healing and growth need not wait! It can and in fact MUST commence right now.

For the foodies amongst you, when we create a culinary masterpiece, we don't just throw anything together in a pot and hope for the best. We usually start with an idea of the dish we want to create. This idea gives rise to a list of ingredients to buy before we can start. With ingredients in hand, we can begin to prep; trim herbs, wash veggies, cut, chop, blend... Planning for 2021 is a little like that, before we start cooking, we must begin to prep.

We invite you to take this week for your MINDSET PREP.

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🌟 If you could summarise 2020 into 5 words, what are they?
🌟 If you were the protagonist in a film/book called 2020, how would you describe your character to someone who hadn't read the book (what qualities and strengths does the protagonist show up in, what emotions do they experience mostly)?
🌟 If living an outstanding life looks like a 10, what number would you give 2020?
🌟 What do you NOT want to change in 2021?
🌟 What must you do differently?
🌟 If you did not change a thing in 2021, what would the cost be to you and the people you care about?

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In order to finally step into the life we deserve and be the person we know we are capable of, what must we let go of first?

“I release all feelings of worry and guilt. Throughout life, the two most futile emotions are guilt for what has been done and worry about what might be done.” — Wayne W. Dyer

We stand at a cross road.

On the left is a path running downhill along a similar road to that which we have travelled, carrying the familiar backpack of past grievances, frustrations and reasons why we can't. It seems a far easier walk, especially with all this weight we are carrying.

On the right is a new path. It is uphill and only a small section of it is view. To take this path, which holds promise of an interesting view, we must empty our backpacks of all that which we have carried until now and create space for our new journey.

Only one of these paths holds promise of transformation, growth and change.

Letting go is the act of emptying that backpack. It is a process of release, acceptance, ownership and forgiveness.

Letting Go is NOT about forgetting or justifying the poor actions of ourselves or others; it is not about settling for whatever hand we have been handed; it is not about submission or release of our power.

IT IS about recalling what was, accepting what is and seeing our role in it (when appropriate); it is about connecting to our empathy and accepting that they (and we) did what they could with the life, beliefs and experiences they had.

It is about releasing ourselves from the limiting narratives we have always told about who it is we are. It is about surrendering what we cannot control and taking action on what we can control (ourselves).

It is about meeting others and ourselves with compassion and love and consciously choosing to move forward with a new set of intentions.

If you like the idea of release but are finding it hard to unzip that backpack, reach out to us. We have created a 90 min Release Session to guide you through this practice of creating space within you.

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Did you know that a daily gratitude practice can release chemicals that aid with sleep, weight-loss and orgasms? What great reasons to turn our gratitude spotlight on 2020!

🌟 What 3 things do I appreciate most about 2020?
🌟 What 3 things am I most grateful for at work?
🌟 What 3 things about my home life do I appreciate most?
🌟 What 3 things do I absolutely value about my partner?
🌟 What 3 things am I most grateful to myself for? If 3 isn't accessible, start with 1. If all these questions aren't accessible, start with those that are.

Still can't access Gratitude? It can help to ask yourself:
"What would I be pissed or upset about losing?"
In other words, what luxuries am I now so accustom to that I forget to consciously value their presence :)

On some days I am grateful for a warm shower, a comfy bed and nutritious food to feed my loved ones, on others serendipitous happenings, people's kindness and my own strength.

The most important thing to know is that there is no RIGHT way to practice gratitude.

P.S If you want to practice more gratitude and daily seems out of reach, why not start with a weekly ritual on a Sunday evening?

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You stand on the precipice of greatness.

In this moment, you have the power to begin something; something that will take root and grow into an incredible giant. The ideas, the strengths and the resilience are already within you to pull this off.

Most of you already know exactly what you want to do and where you want to go; deep down.

Most of you know too how great it has the potential of being. The challenge of course is that most of you will pull away from that dream, never giving it the chance to take flight and reach its full potential.

And worse, never giving yourself the power to reach your full potential.

For those of you who are determined to put one foot forward, who want the future they can't see yet, more than the promise of staying safe in their current reality... for the adventurers amongst you, we have created a beautiful FUTURE SELF Guided Audio.

These few minutes will help you get clearer on what that future could look like and who it is you will grow into, by taking these steps.

It's time to give yourself permission to DREAM.

When better than the eve of a new year, after all!

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One of the challenges we find successful individuals face is learning to be happy with the present moment. To stop, look around at the incredible achievements they already have and SEE what everyone else sees so clearly...

To see their WORTH. To be able to say, WOAH, what I just did was AMAZING. To recognise the win they just had and go one step further to CELEBRATE themselves for it!

The challenge of course is learning to stop long enough to look around, to speak our own praises, without shame or fear of being "arrogant", without diminishing our victories to make others feel less uncomfortable...

🚫 Mostly the challenge here lies with feeling like we are deserving, just as we are.

A key reason that people fail to achieve their goals, fail to move towards the life they want, is because on some level, they still believe the voice of their inner critic, is FACT.

⚡ Today, is the day, you ask your Inner Critic to take a seat and invite your Inner Champion to stand.

Looking at yourself in the mirror, or writing in a journal, finish these 3 sentences,

🌟 Today, (your name), I am most proud of you for...
🌟 Today, (your name), I am celebrating you for...
🌟 Today, (your name), I am most grateful to you for...

The more practiced we become in seeing our own gifts and celebrating who we are, the softer the voice of our inner critic becomes.

So as you reflect back on 2020, we invite you to share with yourselves and with US...

👊 "After the last 12 months, (your name), I am MOST proud of you for"
👊 "After the last 12 months, (your name), I am celebrating you for"
👊 "After the last 12 months, (your name), I am grateful to you for"

If not now, on the dawn of a new year, then when?

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As hangovers ease and 2021 begins to open it's eyes fully, we sit in a space of possibility.

✔️ It is possible that this year can be ANYTHING you want it to be,
✔️ It is possible to turn up and show up in alignment with who you know you are inside.

Feeling a beautiful synergy between your potential and your reality that is sometimes labelled FULFILMENT.

⭕ It is also possible to continue to play out the same patterns you have in the past.

2021 will be what YOU decide it will be.

Not outwardly, but inwardly. What you decide you deserve, want and is possible.

So today, set aside some time, if you haven't already, to state your INTENTIONS for the year ahead.

☀️ Who do you want to show up as in 2021?
☀️ What kind of person will you be?
☀️ What kind of partner or friend will you show up as?
☀️ What traits will you give more air-time to?
☀️ What will your type of leadership look like?

Here are some sentence starts to help you with your INTENTIONS:

To be ________
To see _______
To hear _________
To allow _______
To practice _________
To believe ______
To value _______


If you loved this Blog Post and would like to learn more about TRANSCENDING the limits you have encountered or created, to get the results you so deeply deserve in 2021, , book in your Obligation FREE Breakthrough Session  with Zoi or Sophia.


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