3 Types of Procrastinators
Procrastination is a word that takes on different meaning depending on who is speaking. For some it looks like putting off starting on a course of action we know would take us closer to our dreams, for others it can mean the daily struggle on managing our to do list. Wherever you find yourself, this short video explaining the 3 types of Procrastinators amongst us and what we should look to at each level to help us manage our procrastination is a must watch!
Lvl 1: Click HERE for our Complete Guide to Overcoming Overwhelm
Lvl 2: Click HERE for James Clear’s Atomic Habits
Lvl 3: Click HERE to book in your FREE Procrastination Mapping Session and find out what type of procrastinator you are or HERE to read more about Your Success, our online program specifically created to help us work through Level 3 Procrastination.