How I tamed my inner critic…

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Old me only ever focused on what I DISLIKED about my body.

My legs were too big, my arms not toned, my nose too bumpy...

I would look in the mirror, wanting to cover parts of me, feeling horrible & deflated about what I was 'stuck' with.

It was a constant loop of internal rejection - a battle between my inner critic and my vulnerable inner child.

I then heard this beautiful poem and it hit me to my core.

I felt the immense emotion rushing through me... holding back tears, I knew I would never be the same.

And so began my journey back home to myself and my body.

Slowly, and with a lot of work and discomfort, my focus shifted from what was lacking, to the incredible things my body was doing for me on a daily basis; all the things I once took for granted like breathing, walking, hugging, seeing, smelling, tasting...

In time, I moved from a state of disgust to a space of gratitude and awe, where my body became my SANCTUARY.

It is the only one I have and instead of focusing on the faults, bumps and bruises, I now focus on working with my body, eating nourishing food, meditating, exercising and partnering with incredible practitioners who can guide me along the way with their expertise.

For me, it has been a journey of Mind, Body and Soul, each intertwined and equally as important.

If you haven't yet succeeded in making your body your friend and would like to shift your perspective, reach out and I can share more about what worked for me. For now, we share below 5 key tips to help you make friends with your inner critic!



5 Tips to Silence Your Inner Critic

Imagine you have a little yappy chihuahua (that's how you spell it?!) on your shoulder all day long.

Every time there is a sign of life, a movement, a barks.

Now you love the chihuahua, it's almost part of you, though you REALLY don't enjoy it's yapping.

For the sake of your sanity, you must find a way to get this little pup to chill out and understand that all these things it thinks are a threat, are mostly actually OK.

This chihuahua is your self-talk.

Let's call her FIFI.

It's our job, to teach Fifi another way of responding, that interrupts the pattern of stimulus - fear response - bark, that takes place right now.

Here are 5 QUICK TIPS on how to do that.


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