7 Truths About Imposter Syndrome

Too many people suffer imposter syndrome and think they're the only one...

We wanted to share 7 truths about Imposter Syndrome with you, that tend to help make sense of what we are feeling.

  1. There is not a person on the planet who has never felt the force of Imposter Syndrome.

  2. Imposter Syndrome is a relentless focus on that which you lack or are not and a blindness to that which you are and do well.

  3. When we feel like a fraud it's usually because we are comparing our internal worst - our doubts, our fears, our struggles - with everyone else's external best - the polished exterior, the assumed flawlessness and ease, the perfectly framed snapshots.

  4. The world right now needs to work on its self-celebration muscle. We have a set of seriously under-developed celebration abs. It's not that we don't want to do self-love sit-ups, it's that it feels super hard right now.

5. Wherever we worship the idea of success as a binary concept, as an "arrival", as a "have" and "have not", we give rise to imposter syndrome.

6. The antidote to imposter syndrome is authentic connection. The more seen and valued we feel just as we are - flaws and all - the less we subconsciously strive to perform and perfect in order to receive "love".

7. Your ability to see the small milestones, the little wins, to see that amidst the chaos and the work that's in progress, there is already a space where you shine bright and to cherish and honour that space, as it grows day on day... that's self-love.

We trust this served you today.

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