Dare to Think. Beautifully.
Why Purpose-Driven Founders have it harder…
We need vision unlike any other.
We need a deep seeded belief that it is possible to create the change we seek & incredible patience, authenticity and communication in order to inspire people to join our movement.
Above all we need grounding.
5 Pieces of Advice for Start-Ups & Service-Based Founders
We have a lot of calls with Founders.
Some are new to business entirely and doing this thing called leadership for the first time.
Some are seasoned pros, onto their 3rd or 4th venture.
And many of them are somewhere in between…
They’re past the start-up years but often still operating like they’re one.
From Imposter to Empowered
Confession: I’ve had a lifelong phobia of public speaking.
There I said it.
14 years ago the phobia was so crippling that I remember being on a tour with 15 other people and when it came time to introduce myself, I literally HID under the seat so I did not have to speak!
In front of 15 people.
Who ironically knew I was there and hiding (even worse right)!
7 things our Clients say Before they become our Clients
1. I know where I want to go, but I am not actively moving towards it
2. I'm not comfortable self-promoting
3. I am so tired by week's end we have no energy left to create or inspire….
What people Think Coaching is vs What it Really is…
"I honestly had no idea what coaching was, when I signed up"
"I have no idea how to describe what we actually work on" - says 90% of our Clients
It is totally normal to have no idea what coaching is - hell I struggled to explain it for a long time myself.
10 Signs you are Living in Alignment
When you have heart-mind alignment, it simply means YOU stop becoming a barrier for you to overcome.
Read that again.
7 Truths About Imposter Syndrome
Too many people suffer imposter syndrome and think they're the only one.
We wanted to share 7 truths about Imposter Syndrome with you, that tend to help make sense of what we are feeling…
Confessions of a Recovering People Pleaser
As a recovering People Pleaser, saying ‘no’ has always been a challenge for me. I viewed it as letting people down or in some cases even rejecting them…
So many times, I said yes to avoid conflict or discomfort.
If I am being honest, I used to tell myself that I was saying yes to protect or please others, but really, I was trying to protect myself from being rejected and feeling unloved...
The Supply vs Demand ‘Time’ Problem
One of the biggest problems that founders and practitioners who want to grow their business face is… not having enough supply (time) to meet demand.
You focus so much energy (and capital) on getting more clients and giving value to those clients in order to ‘grow’, but completely run out of time to prepare for that increased demand when it does come…
Founders Self-Sabotage
We have found there are 4 Common Ways Founders Get in the way of their Business Success…

What matters is not where you are today,
but where you want to be, and what you are willing to let go of - to get there.
This is your journey and we are with you every step of the way.