Dare to Think. Beautifully.
The Secret Source of Burnout in Your Team
Have you heard of e-disc? It’s a behavioural analysis tool backed by decades of research, that is used to identify an individual’s natural strengths (captain energies).
4 Ways Founders Block their own Growth
As a founder or business owner, it's your job to bring the certainty.
It's your job to see what others cannot see yet, and empower them to try anyway.
It's your job to be the glue that ties all the people who orbit your business together. Not physically but emotionally.
Why Purpose-Driven Founders have it harder…
We need vision unlike any other.
We need a deep seeded belief that it is possible to create the change we seek & incredible patience, authenticity and communication in order to inspire people to join our movement.
Above all we need grounding.
Better with Clients than Staff?
There is a critical mindset difference between a Founder who is good with all people and one who considers themselves bad with people but good with their customers...
The prior understands that time spent with their team is no different to time spent with clients - it is not taking them away from revenue making activities - IT IS REVENUE BUILDING.
They see time spent with their team as the biggest investment into their bottom line they can make.
5 Pieces of Advice for Start-Ups & Service-Based Founders
We have a lot of calls with Founders.
Some are new to business entirely and doing this thing called leadership for the first time.
Some are seasoned pros, onto their 3rd or 4th venture.
And many of them are somewhere in between…
They’re past the start-up years but often still operating like they’re one.
5 Secret Levers Every Founder can Pull
We’ve worked with hundreds of people over the last 3 years and each one of them has seen improvements in their mindset, performance, leadership or self-concept.
Most importantly, even when they can’t make sense of how or why, they FEEL different - lighter, hopeful, empowered, capable!
And we’ve achieved that by working with them across 5 levers.
The same 5 levers you can work on to achieve the same incredible results
Those secret 5 levers are:
The Shit No One Else Tells You
Don't know who needs to hear this…
But Peace looks like Boredom to People Who Grew Up In Chaos.
If you keep swimming in Drama in your business - it may be a sign your Nervous System needs to be reset and shown a new way.
7 things our Clients say Before they become our Clients
1. I know where I want to go, but I am not actively moving towards it
2. I'm not comfortable self-promoting
3. I am so tired by week's end we have no energy left to create or inspire….
What matters is not where you are today,
but where you want to be, and what you are willing to let go of - to get there.
This is your journey and we are with you every step of the way.