4 Ways Founders Block their own Growth

There are 4 main ways that Founders, like you, end up becoming the biggest roadblock for their business.

Not Backing Themselves & Their Vision

They typically look for external validation (often from people who haven’t even done what they are looking to do). When they are met with doubt, they internalise the other person’s doubt to mean their lack of worth - when in fact it often speaks more of the critic than it does the business in question. All in all this external focus slows them down and stops them from trusting their instincts.

Waiting to Have ALL the Answers

This is typically about getting it right and halting on anything unless they FEEL a degree of certainty. Unfortunately that feeling of certainty often never comes, resulting in Founders with GREAT innovations never launching them, staying in their “safe zone” for longer than they should have - which over time stagnates growth.

Holding their Cards Too Close to Their Chest

This speaks of the visionary with an inspiring vision, who shares it with no one out of fear that it will be stolen or ridiculed. A vision serves to communicate to others your view of the future, but alas if you remove the others from that process, a vision can become a heavy load to carry alone. It also becomes virtually impossible to inspire loyalty in your team. People leave when they run out of future.

Doing it Solo

They try to do it all alone. Of course they cap out on energy and time very quickly, which then begins to suffocate their business of potential creativity and growth opportunities that come from collaboration. Over time this strategy poses a huge risk to the business - because the entire revenue and operating pressure of this business usually rests with one very tired person.

Do you see yourself in one of these 4?

As a founder or business owner, it's your job to bring the certainty.

It's your job to see what others cannot see yet, and empower them to try anyway.

It's your job to be the glue that ties all the people who orbit your business together. Not physically but emotionally.

It's a pretty hard bloody job guys - so if you are finding it hard to manage all that and keep all the balls in the air - you are not "bad" at business, you are human.

It gets easier when you have support.


Sophia & Zoi


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