Despite your success, it’s not enough. Something’s missing isn’t it?

Before we work with any client we actually take them through a complimentary one hour strategy session where we do a gaps analysis of the 4 core aspects of their business that tend to be out of alignment and map out the most important thing that needs to happen in each quadrant to bring them in alignment.

And having done hundreds of these over the years, we’ve come to realise that most Founders feel like they are missing 1 of 3 of these crucial ingredients for a full life.


They might be living the dream at work - experiencing fast-growth and having big wins - but it’s coming at the cost of their personal life.

Specifically, it’s costing them their:

  • health (they are in first gear all day long and it’s wearing out their nervous system)

  • relationships (their relationships are starting to feel the strain of coming second to their professional world)

  • freedom (they’ve lost touch with the things that bring them joy and make them feel like them)


They might be growing or moving in the right direction (ish) - they might have success, but they are not moving fast enough.

They have a bigger vision that they are eager to bring to life, but they cannot make the space to really drive forward towards this, so inevitably they’re moving at snail's pace.

That might not seem so bad but what typically happens to these guys is that the slower they go, the more they lose gusto and momentum until eventually they lose steam all together.


They have created success and have financial stability but they no longer feel the work they are doing is ‘enough’ for them.

They don’t feel fulfilled by the work they are doing and know they could be doing more, or making more impact by pivoting in some small or even large way, but don’t feel sure how to do that or sometimes even know what ‘that’ is exactly.

That’s what we’ve noticed, but we’re kinda curious to know if that resonates with you.

We were chatting about this the other day and wanted to test whether this holds true for our greater community - so we wanted to ask you directly, which one of these is missing for you (if any at all)?

If you could oblige us and let us know,  we’d appreciate that!


Zoi & Sophia


3 Rules that will see you achieve your Business Goals in 2023


4 Ways Founders Block their own Growth