5 Secret Levers Every Founder can Pull

We’ve worked with hundreds of people over the last 3 years and each one of them has seen improvements in their mindset, performance, leadership or self-concept.

Most importantly, even when they can’t make sense of how or why, they FEEL different - lighter, hopeful, empowered, capable!

And we’ve achieved that by working with them across 5 levers.

The same 5 levers you can work on to achieve the same incredible results

Those secret 5 levers are:

  1. Your Time

  2. Your Focus

  3. Your Emotions

  4. Your Energy

  5. Your Identity

What’s cool about these levers is that they also translate into a process or pathway for self-mastery!

Start with mastering your time, then your focus, then your emotions, then your energy before finally reshaping the final pillar: your identity.

This is the exact framework we’ve used in our Authentic Impact Mastermind, so if you have questions about what that looks like, let us know.


Sophia & Zoi


5 Pieces of Advice for Start-Ups & Service-Based Founders


Do you have exceptionally high-standards?