5 Pieces of Advice for Start-Ups & Service-Based Founders

We have a lot of calls with Founders.

Some are new to business entirely and doing this thing called leadership for the first time.

Some are seasoned pros, onto their 3rd or 4th venture.

And many of them are somewhere in between…

They’re past the start-up years but often still operating like they’re one.

Here are 5 things these Founders would tell their past-selves, if given the chance:

  1. You are 100% Worthy of the Success, Peace & Joy that lies ahead for you.

  2. You may not know everything there is to running a Business, but if you are still in business after a few years and you’re profitable (even if it’s not profitable enough in your eyes) - you’re doing something VERY right.

  3. Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop. No one is coming to call you out as an Imposter and take it all away. No one cares about your credentials - except you.

  4. You doing well and having financial success does not hurt anyone around you or make them feel inadequate - it elevates and inspires them to be more.

  5. You deserve to be paid what you’re worth. Stop charging based on what you feel you’re worth or what other people are charging. Both options are playing it safe and the sooner move past it, the sooner you’ll start attracting quality clients to you.

We thought this was some pretty good advice and wanted to share it with you.

Which of these truths resonated most with you?


Zoi & Sophia


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