Do you have exceptionally high-standards?

Do you consider yourself a little bit of a perfectionist?

Someone with exceptionally high-standards?

Someone who invests a lot of energy to get it ‘just-right’?

We have a controversial ideal we want to run past you…

Perfectionism is the voice of younger-you saying I never want to feel vulnerable again.

Perfectionism is what happens when earlier on in life, we felt criticised, humiliated or shamed and we internalised that experience to mean “we were not enough”.

At an unconscious level our younger selves decided they never wanted to feel that way again.

We wear perfectionism not as a means of being amazing, but rather as a MASK to conceal our flaws.

We’re not saying this to shame you.

We’re saying it to help you understand why no matter how “perfect” you are or how hard you strive, it doesn’t quite feel good enough.

Whenever you’re ready to explore it, there is a pathway out of perfectionism and into wholeness.


Sophia & Zoi

Co-Founders, EM


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