BS Alert: When people say Look forward - Don’t look back

Have you heard people say, you can’t drive a car looking out the back window?

Makes sense, right?!

It’s a clean metaphor of the ills of getting stuck in the past.

BUT did you know, there’s such a thing as getting stuck in the Future too!

According to Dan Sullivan in his book ‘The Gap and the Gains’, high-performers as people are typically obsessed with the gap between where they are and where they want to be in the future.

All the stuff they lack, the qualities they are yet to possess…

In other words, we focus all our energy on the GAP between our ideal life and our current life - sending us into spirals of dissatisfaction and not-enoughness and we completely miss the GAINS.

The progress we already have had.

We fail to notice that we’ve closed our past gaps - even when we’ve performed small miracles!

We see this time and time again with clients, who start out with certain goals then smash those goals out the park and do not even notice! 

We literally feel like professional reminders, utilising previous notes and goal plans to SHOW them evidence of how they have bridged the gap already.

So today, let this little insight into the beautiful mis-wiring of the human mind, simply remind you that it’s ok to look back sometimes.

In fact it’s really HEALTHY to look back and to intentionally look for evidence of how you’ve grown and progressed!

You want more satisfaction and enoughness - this simple practice right here is a game changer.


Zoi & Sophia - Gains Catchers


Do you have exceptionally high-standards?


The Shit No One Else Tells You