Dare to Think. Beautifully.
The Secret Source of Burnout in Your Team
Have you heard of e-disc? It’s a behavioural analysis tool backed by decades of research, that is used to identify an individual’s natural strengths (captain energies).
The Wisdom of Burnout
Running a business can be extremely demanding, especially when your products and services rock! When we hit 7 figures the need for systems, strong leadership and senior management all exploded overnight.
So too did my sanity!
“Get more support”, my friends would say.
Mid-Year Self Check-Up
We are 6 months into 2021! Ask yourself these Questions, for a reality-o-meter perspective of how to turn 2021 around based on the 5 SUCCESS indicators:
It is only when we accept where we are, that the path to where we would rather be, finally becomes VISIBLE.
How I Let Go of Mum Guilt
My toddler was 1 when we started this business. In my mind, I thought I knew enough about boundaries, to manage the delicate balance between managing a start-up and showing up as the mum and wife I wanted to be.
And I did, initially. During the early months, I dare say I celebrated myself for managing both so well.
What matters is not where you are today,
but where you want to be, and what you are willing to let go of - to get there.
This is your journey and we are with you every step of the way.