Mid-Year Self Check-Up

It's the universe calling...

We've been watching from a distance.
We noticed that a few things haven't quite gone to plan...

A few unexpected changes,
More stress and load than you bargained for...
Not quite the constant stream of inspo you had expected, right?

So we decided it was time for an INTERVENTION.

After all, we are 6 months into 2021!

It is time to stop and look back, before we breathe in and look forward.

Below, are a series of Questions to ask yourself, for a reality-o-meter perspective of where things are RIGHT NOW in relation to the 5 SUCCESS indicators:

  1. Vitality

  2. Results

  3. Relationships

  4. Follow-Through

  5. Clarity

It is only when we accept where we are, that the path to where we would rather be, finally becomes VISIBLE.

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The amount of energy, vitality and momentum we bring to our days, have a HUGE weight on the results we have in all aspects of our lives.

When we feel drained, we tend to look at any requests or responsibilities with dread...
We label anything new, as 'hard', and perceive it as a burden.

When we are exhausted, it usually takes ALL of our energy to simply keep our shit together, leaving little or no energy for the space of moving beyond our comfort zone to the zones of stimulation and excitement!

We feel so depleted that even showing up, for the people we actually love, being present with them, having the energy to actually hear them and support then, is simply TOO MUCH sometimes.

When vitality is low, results tend to be low, creating a self-perpetuating loop.


- Take check of where your energy is right now....
- Notice what you are doing when you feel most energised and most drained?
- Observe whether you start each day from a space of neutrality or lingering fatigue...

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Are you where you thought you would be mid-way through this year?

Have you hit your health goals?
Your financial goals?
Have you hit your KPIs or taken your business to the height you imagined?

Here's the GOOD NEWS.

This doesn't mean you're incapable.
Or flawed.
Or lazy.

It simply means that something in your current strategy or thinking, is not aligning with the results you seek.

To hit your goals, you need to take a look at the inner environment of your expectations around what is possible, the beliefs you are holding around what achieving (or not achieving) this would mean and the standards you are holding yourself to each and every day, in pursuit of these outcomes.

If that is not enough of a nudge, then there is very likely a misalignment between your rational mind and your unconscious emotional mind as to why these goals even matter...

If your WHY is weak or non-existent, then you could bring the best strategy and plan in the world and it will not be enough to create lasting momentum.

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Do you feel energised by your nearest or dearest?
Do you feel safe enough to be unapologetically you?
Do you feel valued and appreciated?
Do you feel SEEN and HEARD in their presence?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, chances are you have a great group of inner circle friends and family around you, who support you, unconditionally!

If you:
- filter yourself,
- shrink your successes,
- or hold back from trusting fully,
chances are, you haven't experienced what true authentic connection can look like, YET.

The good news is that everyone on this planet, is capable of authentic connection.

Authentic connection:
- Feels organic, it's judgement-free, inspiring, forgiving and safe.
- Doesn't need you to be anyone to be worthy of time or love.
- Fosters a space of growth, visibility and honesty.

If you don't have this kind of deep connection in your life, right now, it's simply feedback, that there's some REALIGNING to do.

The secret is that connection is not a reflection of THEM, it's a reflection of US.

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What is your relationship like with commitment?

Are you more often passive and interested, OR actively pursuing?

How developed is your discipline muscle?

If you had to look at all the things you SAY you will do (to yourself or to others) and contrast them with what you ACTUALLY DO, what would that look like as a %?

If on a given day I SAY,
"I will work-out"
"I'll choose a salad over a burger"
"I'll save 10% of my pay-cheque"

When I only do 1 of those 3, that's 33% follow-through,
which is the same as 67% NON-follow-through!

Why is this important?

Every time we do what we say we will do, we show our subconscious mind that we can be trusted.

The more inner trust we cultivate, the more our subconscious is willing to take on RISK.

In other words, the more we show up for ourselves, the more confident we feel and the more we put our hands up for.

P. S It actually doesn't matter if other people know or not, what matters is that YOU know.

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Have you mapped out your goals for FY22 yet?

Do you know where you want to be in an ideal world, say December this year?

What would it look like, sound like and FEEL like, if everything was exactly as you wanted it?

How clear are you on who you want to BE in 12 months time? Not merely what you want to do...

So often, we talk about what we DON'T WANT, what we don't want to be doing, or hearing or feeling, but leave very little space to actually get clear on what we DO want!

Talking about what we want less of, is a start... it opens a portal of awareness around the fact that our body's is WANTING change.

But it's about as effective as a blank map, in helping us get to our destination!

What most people don't realise is that when you are not feeding directives to your unconscious operating system, it defaults to it's Factory Settings...

You either set a conscious destination or your body will default to the unconscious destination, we are all automatically programmed for -->

If you are not quite satisfied with mediocrity, the journey of transcendence begins by getting CLEAR.

If this speaks to you, we invite you to book in your complimentary Success Mapping Session today to begin to get a blueprint for what YOUR version of Success looks like >>>


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