
Dare to Think. Beautifully.

Better with Clients than Staff?

There is a critical mindset difference between a Founder who is good with all people and one who considers themselves bad with people but good with their customers...

The prior understands that time spent with their team is no different to time spent with clients - it is not taking them away from revenue making activities - IT IS REVENUE BUILDING.

They see time spent with their team as the biggest investment into their bottom line they can make.

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From Imposter to Empowered

Confession: I’ve had a lifelong phobia of public speaking.

There I said it.

14 years ago the phobia was so crippling that I remember being on a tour with 15 other people and when it came time to introduce myself, I literally HID under the seat so I did not have to speak!

In front of 15 people.

Who ironically knew I was there and hiding (even worse right)!

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Confessions of a Recovering People Pleaser

As a recovering People Pleaser, saying ‘no’ has always been a challenge for me. I viewed it as letting people down or in some cases even rejecting them…⁠

So many times, I said yes to avoid conflict or discomfort.⁠

⁠If I am being honest, I used to tell myself that I was saying yes to protect or please others, but really, I was trying to protect myself from being rejected and feeling unloved.⁠..

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What matters is not where you are today,

but where you want to be, and what you are willing to let go of - to get there.

This is your journey and we are with you every step of the way.

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